Messages from Mercury: Astrological Readings & Dates for Mercury in 2025
The astrological readings in this article highlight the collective themes we’ll experience as Mercury moves through the cosmos in 2025. I do this with trailblazing lightworkers in mind because this is who I’m here to support and amplify.
The spiritual meaning of eclipses & how to work with this insight
Eclipses close one door to help another door open. Eclipse season is the Universe's way of accelerating transformation. This article will help you understand why and how by exploring the spiritual meaning of solar and lunar eclipses and lunar nodes; eclipses and shadow work, and how to learn from past eclipses.
Phantom Habits: a sign of spiritual healing & awakening
Phantom habit is a term I coined to describe the experience of sensing a familiar fear or habit while simultaneously sensing that this fear or habit no longer exists.
The term was inspired by the chronic condition known as phantom limb syndrome. People who experience phantom limb syndrome report feeling painful or uncomfortable sensations from a limb they no longer have.
How to find your birth chart and the 12 houses of astrology
Want to know how to find your birth chart AND understand the basics of the 12 astrological houses? This short 10-minute video will guide beginners and those who need a refresher.
Messages from Mercury: Key Astrological Dates for Mercury in 2024
The astrological readings in this article highlight the collective themes we’ll experience as Mercury moves through the cosmos in 2024. I do this with trailblazing lightworkers in mind because this is who I’m here to support and amplify.
How do your spirit guides find you?
Read this blog post if you seek to understand the value of spirit guides and of looking beyond the obvious to bring meaning, self-trust, and light into your life. Read to the end to find out HOW to connect to your guides.
What to do with your “word of the year”
Choosing a word of the year is a way to proclaim the energy or experiences you'd like to observe or manifest in the new year. This post explores a powerful practice for working with this energy throughout the year
What does 1111 mean? What should I do when I see 1111?
Each time 11.11 magically appears in your life, it feels like the Universe is winking at you, right? That's because it is! Read this post to understand what this means and why it can change your life!
How to NOT LEAK energy (ie: how to CONTAIN your precious inner fire)
You leak energy every time you do something that isn’t in alignment with your Higher Self. This blog post explains how you may be leaking energy and what you can do to contain that precious inner fire.
4 signs you're awakening to your soul-self
When these 4 signs start popping up, you can trust that your true self (ie: your soul) is peaking through.
On why we came to Earth
A reflection on the state of the world and why we came here at this time. “We can’t heal this atrocious world when we’re in pain. We can’t help each other when our hearts are bleeding. And so I heal my bleeding heart so I can support you in healing yours.”
Do you choose your destiny?
In this blog post, I explore how your soul chooses its destiny and how you can unearth this information yourself.
How to connect with your spirit guides
Learn how to connect with your spirit guides and how to discern between your guides and your Higher Self.
Your ability to express yourself boils down to these 3 things...
Your ability to express yourself so you can do your soul work boils down to these three guideposts: Intuition - Energy - Time.
Mars + Venus: a dance of the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine
The cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, or locked in a beautiful dance from now until the end of March (2022). On a collective level, this helps us viscerally understand what a balance between the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine might look like.
“You don’t trust yourself.”
Gobsmacked, tears streamed down my face. It was as if I saw my internal struggle for the first time. I mean truly saw it. I’d been waiting for this moment for so long. It wasn’t my… perfectionism, people-pleasing, overachieving, high-functioning… Those were just symptoms of the larger issue. I didn’t trust myself.
The Mind Palace of an Energy Worker
Describing energy work to someone who has limited experience with energy healing has been an interesting challenge. How do you describe something that seems so mysterious and yet truly transforms our behavior? The mystery of it all hinges on…
The Gift Behind the Shadow of Arrogance - Gene Key 31
Many women hold back from fully expressing themselves because they're afraid of being perceived as arrogant. This informative and practical post examines the Gift that’s found behind the Shadow of arrogance by exploring it through the lens of the Gene Keys. If you’re unfamiliar with Gene Keys, read this post for an introduction.
The Lion’s Gate 8.8 Portal, Ancient Egypt, Mercury Message, Leo New Moon
Discover the astrological, energetic and magical significance of August 8, 2021 (yes, that’s the 8th day of the 8th month). Find connections between ancient Egypt, the Leo constellation, the new moon and more.
What’s going on in my mind?! New Moon / Mercury Retrograde / Solar Eclipse in Gemini - June 10, 2021
You know all those weird thoughts that have been running through your mind lately? Well, there's a cosmic explanation for that. But I'm not even going to pretend to be able to explain what's going on in the sky right now. What I can tell you is that it's intense. And what that means is that you get to tap out, chillax, and give yourself a break.