How do your spirit guides find you?

Keep reading if you’re seeking to understand the value of spirit guides and looking beyond the obvious to bring meaning, self-trust, and light into your life. Read to the end to find out HOW to connect to your guides.

If you’re curious about how to connect with your guides once they’ve appeared in your life, there’s information on how to do that in this blog post.


Before starting a cord-cutting session for a client, the Hindu goddess Saraswati came through as one of the spirit guides who wanted to support them.


​At that moment, I also knew that Saraswati had come through for me. Here’s why.

I first met Saraswati in 2007 thanks to the author, Deepak Chopra. If we were close friends back then, I probably told you all about his book The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence.

This book helped me understand the wild “coincidences” I was experiencing after moving to Korea in 2005. From the moment I decided to move here, everything seemed to conspire to bring and keep me here.

I came to Korea a few years after failed attempts at making a life in Canada after graduating from university. Teaching English in East Asia was something graduates did at that time, and so I figured I’d give it a go. It felt like the right thing to do, and the Universe confirmed that feeling by making it quite easy: finding the right job, the right manager, dear friends, and eventually my husband.

But back to the book. The information that Chopra offered was the first time I’d heard of the concept of synchronicity beyond my personal experience. I was completely hooked on the idea that the Universe communicates to us through signs (still am to this day), so this book became a bible of sorts.


My well-used copy of Deepak Chopra’s The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence



In the second part of the book, Chopra provides tips on how to bring more synchronicities (ie: magical alignment) into your life. To do so, he suggests connecting with archetypes. This is how Saraswati came to me.

As I reflect on it, I have no idea how I found her. While I had read the Bhagavad Gita, I had very little knowledge of Hinduism, let alone its pantheon of deities. Perhaps Chopra mentioned her in the book. Or maybe I did some online research.

The only thing I remember is that I consciously chose Saraswati as my archetype because she is the Goddess of knowledge.

At that time I was deep into my graduate school studies. I was also heavily studying Nonviolent Communication and all things related to peace and spirituality… i.e. I was hungry for knowledge!


To connect with our chosen archetype, we were meant to create an altar and meditate with them daily (in addition to other practices such as chanting specific mantras).

So I printed a picture of Saraswati I found on the internet (remember, this was in 2007. Google Images were scarce back then 😉) and placed her on my altar next to a statue of Buddha.

So I meditated on this altar and I meditated. And then eventually I didn’t.

I can’t remember why I stopped, but it’s like many things in life: the experience runs its course.

Until 17 years later. Fast forward to February 2024. There she appeared again.


I’ve had The Divine Feminine Oracle deck by Meggan Watterson for about 5 years and use it often. I can’t remember ever pulling the Saraswati card. Before seeing the card, I couldn’t even have told you if Saraswati was actually in the deck.

And there she was this morning as I was getting ready to facilitate this cord-cutting. I never pull cards before I do cord-cuttings. But today I felt compelled.

I know the meaning Saraswati has for my client. This I won’t share. But for me, her energy relates profoundly to the core of who I am as a spiritual being.

I know part of my big work is to help you develop the self-knowledge you need to align with your light and purpose.

Understanding our gifts, our visions, as well as our shadows, is essential to this alignment.

I support this process through the mentoring that comes with my energy work [energetic cord-cuttings and DNA activations (Intuition Ignitions)], as well as the stand-alone lightworker mentoring that I offer. Self-knowledge is also a foundational pillar of Intuition Immersion School.

Amplifying self-knowledge has always been my mission. I was intuiting it back in 2007 when Saraswati found me and almost 20 years later, she’s still reminding me that I’m right on the right track.


So this is your nudge to connect with your spirit guide or archetype or whatever you want to call the loving energy that’s on the other side who desperately wants to support you.

“How?” you may ask.

First, let’s explore who or what are spirit guides.

Spirit guides are archetypes and energy sources that surround you. This is why, for the most part, they’re unseen yet known or felt, just like the story I shared above.

So a spirit guide could be benevolent ancestors, angels, archangels, ascended masters, deities, and animal spirits. Again, I recommend reading this post for more information on spirit guides

Here are a few ways to connect with your spirit guides:

  • Pull a card from an oracle deck like I did. There are many decks about spirit guides, angels, archangels, ascended masters, and animal spirits out there. Choose the one that calls out to you! Trust that the guide that shows up is more than mere coincidence (if this blog post has taught you anything, I hope it’s that there are no coincidences.) The fact that you chose this card means that the energy of this guide wants to support you!

  • Pay attention to symbols or images that show up in your life that relate to a specific guide. This is how Joan of Arc showed up for me. First, I received a gift of a Joan of Arc painting. Then, I opened a “random” book and there she was. Then the same happened to the life coach I was working with. Seeing Joan in a tarot deck and then in a “random” book, she knew it was a message for me. I could no longer deny that Joan wanted to communicate with me.

  • Sit in quiet meditation or contemplation and ask to know who your guide is. Trust what comes up. You may see something. You may hear a name. Trust what you get, and keep exploring this over time. For help connecting with your intuitive gifts which are essential for helping you connect with your guides and higher self, sign up for my FREE course, INTUITION 101 from Intuition Immersion School.

There are, of course, other strategies for connecting with your spirit guides, but these suggestions are, in my opinion. the most accessible.

If you have any questions about what I shared here, don’t hesitate to ask. The Saraswati archetype in me LOVES supporting the divine wisdom that wants to find its way to you.

If you're ready to get closer to your guides, consider working with me.


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