You’re getting nudges from the Universe that it’s time to step out and do the thing you’re meant to do.

You’re starting to remember why you’re here on Earth at this time, but the details aren’t clear.

And if you do know what you’re supposed to do, you can’t figure out how to do it.

This is where Lightworker Mentoring comes in.




This month is for you if you feel your soul’s purpose stirring in your heart, soul, and mind, but you just can’t seem to pinpoint it.

You need clarity and space to brainstorm with someone who’s been through it and understands what it takes to make your cloudy visions clear.

All the while, we stay focused on the fact that your inner voice is the authority.

At the end of the month, you’ll have more clarity on what your soul wants you to focus your precious energy on.


If you have a good idea of what you want to create or launch and need a more hands-on approach, this month is for you.

In addition to everything in CLARITY MENTORING, you get the following too.

You might have an idea for a course, workbook, program, service, etc… and could use constructive feedback from a trained educator and seasoned online service provider (ie: a trailblazing lightworker just like you).

By the end of the month, you’ll see tangible results on your much-needed soul creation.

  • Clarity Lightworker mentoring

    Clarity Mentoring

    You’ll receive:

    - Destiny & Purpose Reading for insight into your purpose (*intuitive astrology reading via Zoom)

    - A month of messaging support

    - Mentoring that helps you align with your unique energetic frequency and resonance

    * you’ll only receive the Destiny & Purpose Reading one time. If you sign up for a second or multiple months, you’ll receive a monthly Zoom call if requested.


    $777 CAD per month

    (approx. $542 US)

  • Focus Lightworker Mentoring

    Focus Mentoring

    You’ll receive everything found in Clarity Mentoring PLUS…

    - Two bi-weekly Zoom calls - You decide if the first call is a Destiny & Purpose Reading or if you want to jump right into your creation

    - Feedback on your content and conceptual creations


    $1111 CAD per month

    (approx. $775 US)


  • This is something I go into great depth in the course Energy Management for Lightworkers which is part of my DISCERN membership.

    While we don’t go into much depth (unless you want to) during Lightworker mentoring, during our month together, I will always bring us back to the perspective:

    As lightworkers, we aim for the goal of showing up for our business or creative project by understanding and honoring our unique energetic frequency.

    Your unique energetic frequency includes your natural energetic cycles of contraction/ebb and expansion/flow. This includes cycles of creation/reflection, engagement/solitude, and productivity/rest. 

    To honor this ebb and flow, we need to be able to discern…

    • empowered expressions from disempowered ones 

    • natural cyclical time and divine consistency from our cultural conditioning about linear time and productivity

    • the sound/feeling/experience of intuition from the conditioned ego 

    • the wisdom of nature and our higher selves from our beliefs around “professionalism” and other fallacies from the internalized paradigm (ie: the Matrix, patriarchy, and white supremacy)

    I define your unique energetic frequency as a combination of your authentic self (i.e., the grounded self that loves what you love and presents itself in this current body) and your higher self (i.e., soul, true self). When these are in alignment, they create energetic resonance.

  • For the Destiny & Purpose Reading, I'll answer the following questions:

    - In what direction does my soul desire to move? OR what does my soul's purpose look like?

    - What challenges or obstacles must I overcome to align with my destiny?

    To connect to your destiny and purpose, I look at the placement of the lunar nodes on your chart. These placements tell us where your soul has been and where it's going.

    To connect to the challenges you’re meant to work through in this lifetime, I focus on major areas of healing and transformation highlighted on your chart.

    All the while, I’m energetically communicating with your Higher or Soul Self. This is how we get to the answers you’re looking for.

    After we meet on Zoom, you'll receive the replay and your natal chart with important notes via email.

    You can read more about this service HERE.

  • This service is to provide you with grounded energetic guidance. And if you’re choosing FOCUS MENTORING, this grounded guidance also includes strategic and creative support for the projects you’re working on.

    An important element to my mentoring is to help you trust your inner guidance. This energy shows up in the timing of our messaging as much as it shows up in the messages themselves.

    An example of how our interaction might look is that you'll send a message with a question or observation, which I'll respond to within the week.

    After taking time to consider my response, respond when it feels right. This gives you time to feel your inner wisdom.

    The time restrictions as set out below take this intention into account:

    • We’ll use the Voxer or Whatsapp apps to communicate via audio messaging or written text. When you register, you'll receive an email explaining where to download these apps and how to find me there. Choose the app that feels best for you.

    • Our month starts the day you schedule your first Zoom call.

    • To be effective with our messaging time, you can send up to three 10-minute audio messages throughout the week. These audio messages should be sent on separate days.  Written texts should also include this time consideration. I'll respond to your texts within the week you sent them (unless of course, it falls on a weekend. If this is the case, I'll respond the following Monday).

    • I’m located in South Korea, so when I speak about my time, I’m referring to the South Korean timezone (GMT+9). However, when we speak of time in general, you can focus on your time zone. For example, I'm not available on weekends (in Korea), so please only send messages between Monday to Friday (in your time zone). You take care of your time zone, and I’ll take care of mine.

    Please know that these conditions are to serve our highest energetic connection so that we can both show up with ease and integrity for the highest good of all, particularly you. 💜✨

  • Absolutely. We can work together for up to 6 months. Then you'll have the possibility to renew after two months have passed. If you’d like to work with me for an extended time, let me know and I’ll create a subscription plan for the time you’re considering.

  • If you need a payment plan, just send me an email and we’ll work something out.

  • I'm always available for feedback on your social media questions or concerns because that's part of my role as a mentor who wants to support lightworkers in expressing their light.

    However, it's important to note that I sometimes need to take space from all my marketing (email, socials), so I don't want to create an expectation about my participation in my clients' social media experience.

    I need to be able to move in and out of social media freely based on my own energy. What I do or do not do on social media isn't a reflection of my support or belief in my clients.