You’ve found this page for a reason: you’re ready to listen to your soul...
(I’d ask you to trust me, but all you really need to do is trust yourself)
Answer me this – what stirs you?
What makes time slip away?
What gets you smiling wide as the sun?
Now I’d like to know – when’s the last time you followed that inner calling without fear or doubt?
Without holding yourself back or worrying about the outcome…
Just going with it.
Not second-guessing your every. little. step.
Too long? Let’s change that.
Hey, I’m Josette!
I’m an energy worker, mentor, and teacher for trailblazing lightworkers and visionaries. I’m also an education expert and the founder of Intuition Immersion School.
I’m based in South Korea, though I work with clients all the way from Canada to Thailand to Australia. So far I’ve worked with clients from over 13 countries.
You’re here for a reason – you want to live in alignment with your soul’s purpose and do the work you were destined for… you’re just not sure where to start.
Here’s the thing, when you tune into your calling, you (yes, you) have the power to create radical shifts in your home, community, and the world...
By supporting yourself and listening to your needs, you support others.
And that basic truth is why I’m so passionate about using my spiritual gifts to amplify soul-led leaders who want to own and teach their wisdom and intuitive power.
Let me know if these ring true...
… You’re so ready to step into your life’s purpose, but your mind is often filled with a chorus line of:
“I’m not sure if I’m talented enough to really be successful...” “What if I lose what I already have while reaching for something more?” and “I’m just too damn scared to strike out on my own.”
… The thought of committing even a minor faux pas makes your throat feel tight and your tummy knot up…
… All the awards, degrees, and certificates just don’t add up – no matter what you achieve, it never feels like enough…
… You hustle to prove your worth by working harder for longer hours than your peers — because you have to work your butt off if you want big wins, right?
You’re right to ask for more…
Leaning into your soul’s work and living in alignment with your sacred truth doesn’t have to be a hustle. You don’t have to slog through hours of to-do’s that leave you feeling tense, drained, and irritated...
If you’re anything like me, you were taught from childhood to aspire for a cushy job, a white picket fence and a picture-perfect family.
And only after you used up your precious energy getting all those shiny objects could you flop down on your sofa with an oat milk latte, a cozy blanket and take a deep breath…
Because then you’d have really made it!
Maybe you’ve spent years trying to reach that one-size-fits-all version of success. You’ve worked overtime, ticked every box, gone above and beyond… even when your soul told you to slow down.
But when you did score that promotion, bonus cheque, or whatever other form of external validation you might’ve been seeking, how long did the satisfaction last?
Maybe it was only a matter of days before you started chasing the next big thing, never giving your body a chance to fully rest and reset.
When I say you’re right to ask for more, I mean instead of working yourself too hard trying to attain what mainstream society considers a good life, you owe it to yourself to listen to your soul’s call and follow it wherever it may lead…
But saying no to overstressing and overstretching can be hard to do without self-trust.
That’s where I come in. I’m here to help you:
Trust your intuition. You’ll learn to lean into your body’s innate wisdom. You know, that twinge you get in the pit of your stomach when something feels wrong? It’s worth listening to, and I can show you how.
Awaken to your potential. Once you release the insecurities holding you back, you’ll be able to do your soul’s work with heightened energy, creativity, and clarity.
Communicate with courage. When you live in alignment with your soul, you’ll feel no need to second-guess your words, because they’ll come from a place of inner truth. Get ready for authentic connections with clear boundaries.
Work with ease. By tuning in to your body’s needs, you’ll be able to pursue your soul’s work without struggle, knowing that you’ve already succeeded just in doing whatever you feel called to.
Show up bigger and brighter. Once your soul fuels your work you’ll feel confident and deeply aligned with your magnetizing presence – yes, it’s possible!
From my soul to yours, I’m...
an energy alchemist
a teacher
a mentor
a lightworker
a mother
a cheerer of dreamers and doers
a believer in intuition,
A believer in you –
I see you.
You know there’s more to this life,
that you have more to give.
You’re a visionary, a trailblazer, a healer.
You’re here to help others.
It’s time for you to step into your power
and I’m here to tell you:
It doesn’t have to be a struggle.

Before I answered my own soul’s calling, I had a 12-year career as an English language teacher and teacher educator.
Despite my laundry list of qualifications and all the kind things people said about my work, I spent a lot of time stuck in self-doubt.
How did this manifest? I poured hours into planning seamless lessons and presentations, but they could never meet the crazy high standards I set for myself.
After a long day teaching, I’d lay awake late into the night wondering: “What was I thinking – why the heck did I say that?”
It got so out of hand that one day in front of my English educator peers, I had a full-blown anxiety attack.
My palms started sweating.
My heart raced.
I couldn’t breathe – I had to get out.
I left the classroom and never went back.
I knew I needed help but not from another certificate of achievement – external validation is just that: external. It couldn’t change the way I felt inside.
What I truly needed was evidence. Evidence that I already had everything I needed to reach my potential and live a truly meaningful life.
So I dug in deep, inventoried my skills, and took a hard look at my limiting beliefs. I continued to practice my energy work, connected with the divine feminine principles and came to realize my own innate strength.
A switch flipped. I surrendered control and made one of the most difficult yet deeply soul-aligned decisions I’ve ever had to make:
I quit my 12-year teaching career to help lightworkers learn to listen to their deep inner voice and share their soul work with the world.
Once I started leaning into my soul’s call, things fell into place fast. In less than a year, I became a mother to a beautiful baby and built my business.
But though I felt calmer, more confident, and sincerely inspired by my family and the passionate women I worked with, I still got sucked into self-doubt now and then.
It’s hard not to when our overscheduled society says success depends on showing up 24/7.
How could I ever be enough?
It wasn’t until I experienced first-hand the powerful healing properties of Radical Guide DNA Activation energy healing (if you’ve never heard of this energy healing modality, I invite you to check out this page – your time will be so worth it) that my last threads of insecurity finally dropped away.
I stopped questioning myself and let ease guide my soul’s work.
Now I help beautiful, sacred spirits like yourself harness your own soul’s gifts and step firmly into your power.
“Before choosing Josette as my coach, I was feeling lost, unfocused, with one dream in my mind but no idea as to how to approach it. I felt Josette had my back every step of the way.
The results of our time together are a clearer, more confident me, several miles along the road to my new career.”
Hailey Tallman - Art Therapist & Creativity Coach
Your soul is calling and you want to hear it loud and clear – here’s how I can support you:
Stuck second-guessing your inner calling? Lightworker Activation is an energy healing package unlike any other. It removes the energetic barriers from your spiritual body, so you can fully step into your soul’s purpose.
Here are my qualifications…
Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Bachelor of Arts (Sociology, Criminology, Psychology)
Certified TESOL Teacher Trainer (SIT Graduate Institute)
Certified Life Coach (ICF Certified, Beautiful You Coaching Academy)
Radical Guide DNA Activation™️ Advanced Practitioner
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique - Level 1 Intern
Kundalini Reiki certification
Akashic Records certification
Mindful Self-Compassion (Center for Mindful Self-Compassion)
Yoga Teacher Training (288 hours)
Josette LeBlanc is an energy worker, spiritual mentor, and educator who has supported trailblazers, visionaries, and healers from over 13 countries in awakening to their intuitive abilities and purpose. She’s also the founder of the Intuition Immersion School and the host of the Legacies of Light podcast. Both these spaces support the expansion of intuition, self-knowledge and high-frequency energy much-needed in the world today.
Josette’s energy work and mentoring centers the quantum healing and activation of lightworkers who are ready to do the important soul work they came to Earth to do. She also facilitates deep healing in the Akashic Records. Via her clients’ powerful transformations, she sees firsthand how devoting oneself to energy work brings unimaginable soul growth and benefits.
As an expert educator, Josette combines her keen understanding of curriculum design and learning psychology to Intuition Immersion School’s programs in a way that brings metaphysical concepts and experiences down to earth. The school offers a counterbalance to outdated strategies of the current paradigm.
Josette lives in South Korea, but she was born and raised in an Acadian village in Nova, Scotia, Canada.
bio en français
Josette LeBlanc est une travailleuse énergétique, un mentor spirituel et une éducatrice qui a aidé des visionnaires, des pionniers et des guérisseurs de plus de 13 pays à s'éveiller à leurs capacités intuitives et à leur raison d'être. Elle est également la fondatrice de l'Intuition Immersion School et l'animatrice du podcast, Legacies of Light. Ces deux espaces soutiennent l'expansion de l'intuition, de la connaissance de soi et de l'énergie de haute fréquence dont le monde d'aujourd'hui a grand besoin.
Le travail énergétique et le mentoring de Josette sont centrés sur la guérison quantique et l'activation des lightworkers qui sont prêts à faire l'important travail de l'âme qu'ils sont venus faire sur Terre. Elle facilite également la guérison profonde dans les archives Akashiques. Grâce aux puissantes transformations de ses clients, Josette voit de ses propres yeux comment le fait de se dévouer à un travail spirituel et énergétique apporte une croissance et des bénéfices inimaginables.
En tant qu'éducatrice experte, Josette associe sa connaissance approfondie de la conception des programmes et de la psychologie de l'apprentissage aux programmes de l'Intuition Immersion School d'une manière qui rend les concepts et les expériences métaphysiques plus terre à terre. L'école offre un contrepoids aux stratégies dépassées du paradigme actuel.
Josette vit en Corée du Sud, mais elle est née et a grandi dans un village acadien de Nouvelle-Écosse, au Canada.