Messages from Mercury: Astrological Readings & Dates for Mercury in 2025

Mercury is our internal messenger; the bridge between our thoughts and words. Mercury wants to help you communicate more effectively and efficiently.

When you work with Mercury energy, you’re tapping into this intention.

In the spirit of Mercury and clear communication, the astrological readings below highlight the collective themes we’ll experience as Mercury moves through the cosmos this year. I wrote these readings with trailblazing lightworkers in mind because this is who I’m here to support.

For the most part, I explore the positive aspects of this planet’s movements because this is how I work with this Mercury in my energy work and mentoring.

However, as with all astrological movements —even exalted ones— we also need to consider that shadows can get stirred up and imbalances can occur.

It’s also important to remember that there are always other astrological factors at play. For example, other planets such as Mars or Venus may affect the energy of the time periods I list below.

To stay true to my intention of highlighting Mercury, for the most part, other than the Sun, I don’t bring any other celestial bodies into my explorations.


Fast Track to Mercury’s 2025 Readings & Dates



communication, voice, means of expression (technology, channels, mediums…), mind, intellect, cognition, information, polarity, adaptability, androgyny, magic, alchemy…



As a result of Mercury’s ability to gather and organize information, Mercury is eloquent in its communication. This planet is naturally curious and wants to express that curiosity.

In other words, Mercury represents how you think, and how you communicate what you’re thinking. The energetic vibration of each Zodiac sign will flavor Mercury’s topic of curiosity as well as communication style.

As we move through the seasons with Mercury, we’re inclined to communicate with different awarenesses and perspectives as it travels between the realm of the living (when orbiting the Sun) and the realm of spirit (during retrograde periods).

The astrological readings will reflect this energy.



RETROGRADE: When there isn’t a retrograde period, Mercury is usually in a sign for 2 to 3 weeks (approx. 30 days). During a retrograde period, Mercury can be in a sign for approximately 10 weeks. When a planet is in retrograde motion, from our perspective on Earth, it appears to be going backward.

Retrograde periods are usually a time for contemplation and reflection rather than creation and outward communication.

CAZIMI: Cazimi is an Arabic word that can be translated as "in the heart of the sun". When a planet is this close to the sun, it's known as a cazimi. During this moment, the energy of that planet is amplified by the royal power of the Sun.




Each time Mercury makes a new move, it’s an opportunity to explore how this energy affects you and your important work.

I recommend journaling at the beginning and end of Mercury’s entry into a sign to see what messages he wants to share with you.

Also, as you can gather from this article, Mercury is a powerful energy to work with if you're seeking to amplify your voice and vision.

Your voice is the manifestation of your unique frequency. It has the power to magnetize the visions you see for yourself and the world.



Work with Mercury's movements throughout the astrological year (March to March) via the guided meditations and reflection prompts I share during transits in the DISCERN membership I offer at Intuition Immersion School.

You can learn by clicking the image below.




NOTE: The dates below are based on the Eastern Standard Time (ET) zone. I haven't added the exact times and the planetary degrees because I believe the date is all we truly need to know to tap into Mercury’s magic. However, some prefer to work with the precise time, especially when it comes to cazimis. If this is you, scroll down to the end of this post to connect with the brilliant astrologers I’ve listed.

January 8 - Mercury enters Capricorn

MERCURY THEME: Realistic and thoughtful communication. Pragmatic thinking.

Lightworkers are often more at ease in the dreamy world of intuition and emotion. We’re heavy on the heart and third eye chakras so to speak.

However, if our goal is to make our visions a reality and bring them down to Earth, we need to know how to talk about them pragmatically.

In other words, it's helpful to be able to describe our visions in a way that relates to everyday experiences. Mercury in Capricorn helps us do that.

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January 27 - Mercury enters Aquarius

MERCURY THEME: Revolutionary and innovative communication. Out-of-the-box thinking.

I wrote this article during this transit (Aquarius is in my 3rd house of communication). I decided to write it because I scoured the internet for information just like I’ve presented here but couldn't find it. This is Mercury in Aquarius in a nutshell.

You have a powerful opportunity during this period to transmit your trailblazing message with ease.

Lightworkers connect deeply with Aquarius because we so easily see what's needed for a healthier future on Earth.

This is why Mercury in Aquarius is an auspicious time for us to communicate our visions, no matter how out there they may seem. The more out there the better for Mercury in Aquarius.

February 9 - Mercury Cazimi in Aquarius

Note: This is a superior conjunction between the Sun and Mercury, which means Mercury is behind the Sun from our perspective on Earth (i.e. the farthest away it can be from Earth).

Harness the potential of the powerful combination of the Sun and Mercury via the Voice & Vision Activations that are a part of my DISCERN program. Learn more here.

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February 14 - Mercury enters Pisces

MERCURY THEME: Dreamy, emotional, and inner (private) communication. Intuitive thinking.

You may feel like your mind isn’t working as fast as it usually does. You may notice you start using words like foggy to describe your brain and thoughts.

Pisces beckons your mind to the world of dreams. Don’t fight it. Pisces wants you to go with this dreamy flow.

Mercury will be sending you messages in your dream state. Keep a journal next to your bed to capture the subconscious gold that comes through.

As a lightworker, you already know the power and potential of the unseen. Capitalize on the intuitive messages now so you can make use of them later.

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March 3 - Mercury enters Aries

MERCURY THEME: Bold, courageous, and assertive communication. Ambitious thinking.

Living life true to your(higher)self requires courage. Living in alignment with your values, hopes, and dreams means you’ll need to step outside the status quo.

One of these steps includes speaking your truth and speaking on behalf of Divine Truth. Mercury in Aries sparks this throat chakra courage.

In service of this alignment, use Mercury in Aries to say what you need to say to whomever you need to say it.

NOTE: As Mercury enters the sign that initiates the astrological new year (Aries), we’ll also soon be entering the first eclipse season of 2025 (March 14 is the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo and March 29 is the Aries Solar Eclipse).

To receive support through this potentially turbulent period, consider joining DISCERN and our ECLIPSE SEASON GUIDING CIRCLE. You can learn more about DISCERN here. And read about the spiritual meaning of eclipses here.

March 15 - Mercury Retrograde in Aries

MERCURY THEME: Reflect, reflect, reflect!

Mercury Retrogrades slow down communication channels and highlight reflection more than expression.

So if you wake up in the morning and notice that the angry email you spent all night crafting didn’t go through, take it as a blessing in disguise. Mercury is gifting you this “tech glitch” so you take a breath.

Aries wants to move forward impulsively, but this is a time to slow down. Take this retrograde to learn from your actions and words so that your next moves can be even more impactful.

Reflect on the actions you’ve been taking since the beginning of the year. What actions are actually benefiting you? Which ones can you stop doing?

Reflect on what you’ve been expressing (or have been wanting to express) since March 3 when Mercury entered Aries. How can your voice be better used for the vision you want to create? What no longer needs to be said?

March 24 - Mercury Cazimi in Aries

Note: This is an inferior conjunction between the Sun and Mercury which means Mercury is in front of the Sun from the Earth’s perspective (i.e. it’s closer to Earth).

MERCURY THEME: The Sun is at home in Aries so this cosmic duet has the potential to catapult the Mercury message that came for Mercury in Aries.

April 7 - Mercury Direct in Pisces

MERCURY THEME: The energy of February 14 returns after the retrograde period. See the February 14 description.

April 16 - Mercury re-enters Aries

MERCURY THEME: The energy of March 3rd returns after the retrograde period. See the March 3rd description.

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To harness the potent energy of Mercury, join my DISCERN program where we work with Mercury’s movements throughout the year. Click the button to learn more.



May 10 - Mercury enters Taurus

MERCURY THEME: Warm, stable, and dependable communication. Rational thinking.

You may get Mercury in Capricorn (see January 27 above) vibes during this transit because like Capricorn, Taurus wants you to bring your ideas down to Earth. They literally want to turn your visions into material reality.

The difference is that Taurus does this for stability and comfort. Capricorn does it mostly out of ambition.

Mercury in Taurus is a great opportunity to ponder how your lightworker visions will help bring more stability and security to your life and the lives of the collective.

Turn this contemplation into a message that helps your community, friends, or family (whomever you feel more aligned with at the moment) understand how your vision of bringing light to the world is one worth exploring.

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May 25 - Mercury enters Gemini

MERCURY THEME: Perceptive, playful, and charismatic communication. Curiosity rules the mind!

Dive into esoteric knowledge. Explore metaphysical teachings. Dig into the wisdom texts you’ve always meant to. Mercury in Gemini gives you the ability to contemplate all the angles.

With this curiosity at the forefront of your mind, you’re in the perfect position to ask erudite questions. Interview your favorite spiritual teacher. Google the insight you just received during your meditation. Have a conversation with your soul sister. Channel your spirit guide or higher self.

This isn’t a time to shy away from what you know or what you want to know. Explore and share it all!

PS. This is one of my favorite times of the year. This is when my appreciation for Mercury truly takes center stage. I get so much joy and comfort from learning all the things! I’m definitely influenced by my Moon in Gemini.

May 30 - Mercury Cazimi in Gemini

Note: This is a superior conjunction between the Sun and Mercury, which means Mercury is behind the Sun from our perspective on Earth (i.e. the farthest away it can be from Earth).

MERCURY THEME: Because Gemini is one of Mercury’s home bases, this is an auspicious day. The Sun shines brightest in the best possible circumstance for Mercury.

Gemini desires to know every side of the story. This is why Mercury, the planet of communication and the mind, is very much at home in this sign.

When Mercury is in Gemini, your self-knowledge and your ability to communicate this understanding —which includes your purpose— gets an extra boost.

And if this auspicious combination wasn't enough, on May 30 we add the amplifying power of the Sun's rays to the mix.

When the Sun and a planet commune in this way, we’re open to profound divine downloads. 

And again, because Mercury rules Gemini, and because they're both aligned with the higher mind and knowledge gathering, you have the potential to receive insights on this day that will reverberate far into your future.

For lightworkers, the Mercury Cazimi in Gemini is an excellent opportunity to expand into the future vision of ourselves.

It’s a profound portal to help you know this version of yourself and to speak her/him/them into existence.

Learn more about this energy and receive tips on how to work with the Mercury cazimi via the Voice & Vision Activations that are part of my DISCERN program. Learn more here.

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June 8 - Mercury enters Cancer

MERCURY THEME: nurturing, cautious, and subtle communication. Sensory thinking.

If your intuition mainly comes through your clairsentient abilities, a great deal of information will come via your sensory experience during this transit. This is the burden and gift of being a lightworker who feels so much collective energy in their body.

Mercury in Cancer communicates through our emotions. It allows us to tap into the subtle energies that really aren't all that subtle.

The resentment, anxiety, or dissatisfaction you feel are signs that it’s time to make a change. Use this time to feel the meaning of these emotions. What weight are you no longer willing to bear?

Mercury in Cancer wants you to feel this so that you communicate your needs to whoever needs to hear them (your employer, partner, family member, client…). Be proactive about what you need so you can build the foundation for the light you so crave.

NOTE: To learn more about the various intuitive abilities, sign up for my free online course, INTUITION 101.

June 26 - Mercury enters Leo

MERCURY THEME: passionate, dramatic, and determined communication. Creative thinking.

This isn’t a time to be shy. A lot of the shyness, imposter syndrome, or self-doubt you deal with will melt away. Mercury in Leo wants you to sing from the rooftops and wear the most glamourous crimson ball gown while doing it. He’ll be trading in his winged shoes for ruby stilettos and a red feather boa. In other words, there’s no more hiding during this transit.

This is the time to share with flare. Don’t hold back. The world needs your light and this is the time to let everyone in on it.

July 18 - Mercury Retrograde enters Leo

MERCURY THEME: Reflect, reflect, REFLECT!

While Leo wants to remain in the spotlight, the retrograde asks you to take some time backstage. Take this retrograde to learn from what you’ve shared so that your next presentation, exhibition, workshop, or class can be even more impactful.

Reflect on what you’ve been expressing or have been wanting to express since the beginning of the year or since June 26 when Mercury entered Leo. What actually needs to be created in service of your mission? What can you stop doing or creating?

July 31 - Mercury Cazimi in Leo

Note: This is an inferior conjunction between the Sun and Mercury which means Mercury is in front of the Sun from the Earth’s perspective (i.e. it’s closer to Earth).

MERCURY THEME: The Sun rules Leo so this cosmic dance will amplify the Mercury message for Mercury in Leo.

Harness this potential via the Voice & Vision Activations that are a part of my DISCERN program. Learn more here.

August 11 - Mercury Direct in Leo

MERCURY THEME: The energy of June 26 is slowly returning after the retrograde period. See the June 26 description.

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September 2 - Mercury enters Virgo

MERCURY THEME: organized, detailed, service-oriented communication. resourceful thinking.

Virgo wants to understand the details of a situation so that efficient healing can take place. This is a way for Virgo to be of the highest service (which is Virgo’s intention).

In other words, Virgo wants to understand a problem to solve it. This is one reason why Mercury is very much at home in this sign.

There’s no better way to solve a problem than by organizing loads of information into a concise solution. This is what Mercury can help you do.

Not only will he help you see what needs to be sorted, discarded, and addressed when it comes to your lightworker vision or mission, but he’ll help you communicate the end product as well. And he’ll do it in the most coherent way possible.

September 13 - Mercury Cazimi in Virgo

MERCURY THEME: Because Virgo is one of Mercury’s home bases (the other being Virgo), this is an auspicious day. The Sun shines brightest in the best possible circumstance for Mercury.

When the Sun and a planet commune in this way, we’re open to profound divine downloads. 

Because Mercury rules Virgo, and because they're both aligned with the higher mind and knowledge gathering, you have the potential to receive insights on this day that will reverberate far into your future.

For lightworkers, the Mercury Cazimi in Virgo is an excellent opportunity to expand into the future vision of ourselves.

It’s a profound portal to help you know this version of yourself and to speak her/him/them into existence.

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September 18 - Mercury enters Libra

MERCURY THEME: balanced, harmonious and charming communication. diplomatic thinking.

Entering Libra while this sign is about to experience a solar eclipse could prove challenging for Mercury. In Libra, Mercury has the potential to become the diplomat, the charmer, or the judge.

However, the eclipse brings shadow energy to the mix. This allows us to look at the ways we may be two-faced in our communication styles. To whom are you saying one thing and then something else to another?

Or perhaps you find yourself martyring yourself to make others happy. Perhaps you believe this is how you can maintain peace in your relationships. You believe that sacrificing yourself somehow serves the greater good.

Mercury in Libra during eclipse season wants you to question your approach and motives for communicating in these ways. You won’t be able to shine your light if you’re always giving it away.

Return to true balance, justice, and harmony by exploring these shadows.

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October 6 - Mercury enters Scorpio

MERCURY THEME: magnetic, persuasive, and transformative communication. intuitive thinking.

While in Scorpio, you may notice you’re more observant than expressive. Scorpio understands the power and potential of what lies beneath the surface.

It sees the truth when so many others are oblivious. When you’re able to communicate such observations, you’re both a mystery and a magnet.

As a lightworker, the unseen realm is your domain. You understand the subtle energies that guide us in a way many can’t. By aligning with the energy of Mercury in Scorpio, you also align with yourself.

Your ability to help others understand your otherwise mysterious message is heightened now. Take advantage of the transformative power of Scorpio and say what you know needs to be said.

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October 29 - Mercury enters Sagittarius

MERCURY THEME: Investigative, expansive, and fearless communication. IDEALISTIC THINKING.

If anyone hates small talk, it’s Sagittarius. Sagittarius wants to explore the big questions. It wants to take its ideas to the edge of the world both literally and metaphorically.

Sagittarius loves to travel in service of learning. While this may seem like the perfect place for the planet of communication to be, it’s the opposite.

Mercury is eloquent in his communication as a result of his natural ability to gather and organize details (remember, he’s at home in Virgo). Sagittarius isn’t interested in details. It’s interested in the big picture.

For this reason, when Mercury is in Sagittarius, you may feel less inhibited in your conversation style. You may even end up in debates you didn’t know you were entering. This is all in service of understanding the grander scheme at play.

Use this as an opportunity to explore the different facets of your lightwork. Trust this is an opportunity to uncover the wisdom you need to know… no matter how awkward it might get at times.

November 9 - Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius

MERCURY THEME: Reflect, reflect, reflect!

This retrograde is a welcomed slowdown from the expansive and often unruly energy of Mercury in Sagittarius.

While Sagittarius wants to expand on all the wisdom it’s gathered and discuss the meaning of life with anyone who wants to listen, the retrograde asks you to take a moment to gather yourself. Take this retrograde to ground yourself in what you’ve learned. Contemplate how your theories and visions can come back down to Earth and be transformed into something tangible.

Reflect on what philosophies you’ve been exploring since the beginning of the year or since October 29 when Mercury entered Sagittarius. What part of this philosophy truly needs to be understood or said in service of your mission?

November 20 - Mercury Cazimi in Sagittarius

Note: This is an inferior conjunction between the Sun and Mercury which means Mercury is in front of the Sun from the Earth’s perspective (i.e. it’s closer to Earth).

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November 29 - Mercury Direct in Scorpio

MERCURY THEME: The energy of October 6 is returning after the retrograde period. See the October 6 description.

January 1, 2026 - Mercury enters Capricorn

Happy New Year! Celebrate the new year with Mercury until January 28.

MERCURY THEME: Go back to the first entry of 2025 to learn about Mercury in Capricorn energy

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Shout out to these resources and teachers (including Mercury, of course) for helping me gather data:

  • Llewellyn’s 2025 Daily Planetary Guide

  • Astro Seek

  • Cafe Astrology

  • Chani Nicholas

  • Gary P. Caton

  • Aeolian Heart

  • Alice Sparkly Kat



The spiritual meaning of eclipses & how to work with this insight