How to connect with your spirit guides

As your intuition starts to open up, and as you begin living in alignment with your higher self, these are questions you’ll start asking yourself.

How do I connect with my guides?

How do I ask them for clarity (and receive guidance) at decision points?

How do I explore how they speak to me?

How do you know if you’re communicating with your Higher Self or a Spirit Guide?

These are questions I recently received from an Intuition Ignition client. And since I get these a lot, I thought it was time to share my response publicly.

While the lists below aren’t exhaustive, they’re a powerful starting point. May they support you on your journey back to your soul.

  • Create the space to connect. A quiet moment (even before falling asleep) is the best. This is especially important if you’re new to connecting to your guides. 

  • Ask specific questions. The more specific the better. For example, “should I quit my job?” could be, “should I quit my job next week?”

  • Be patient. The response may come to you at that moment, or it may come later. Learn to discern how answers come to you. This depends on your most prominent intuitive abilities (ie: claircognizance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance…)

  • Your guides will never talk down to you. If there is shame or blame in what you “hear”, this isn’t a guide.

  • Responses are often subtle. My guides speak to me in very efficient sentences and sometimes only with words. But they are persistent. I’ll hear these words consistently until I acknowledge the message or take action. My dominant intuitive ability is claircognizance. 

  • Ask, “Am I communicating with my Higher Self or my Spirit Guide?” If you’re new to this, and you feel silly asking, don’t worry. It feels less silly over time.

  • Remember, your Higher Self or your Guides never communicate at the vibration of fear. They vibrate at the frequency of love, compassion, and ease.

  • Wait for the answer. Don't doubt what you hear, see, feel, or know. Answers usually come quickly and subtly.

  • WHY IS IT VALUABLE TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE? Your Higher Self and your Guides have your best intentions at heart. They may have different messages and so it can be helpful to know who to turn to at certain decision points.


If you want to connect more deeply with your intuitive abilities and your spirit guides, consider scheduling an Intuition Ignition with me.

In this energy healing package, I work with your spirit guides on removing energetic barriers from your spiritual strands of DNA.

But this is only part of the magic, click the link below to learn more about this transformative practice.


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