5 tips to help you figure out if a spiritual teacher or entrepreneur is trustworthy
5 tips to help you decide if you should trust the spiritual or energy healer you want to work with.
Mapping your energetic cycles for your online presence
Your energy is one of your most potent superpowers. When you understand your natural energetic cycles, you’ll find it easier to show up online and communicate with others. This is how energy mapping can help you.
Lessons from an Online Compassion Circle (ie: making this whole Coronavirus outbreak bearable)
It’s normal to want answers and to want to provide them too. We live in a world that functions on timelines and this makes us believe we need to be sure of the future in order to move forward. However, the truth is, there’s another part to life that we rarely acknowledge. Read to learn what that part is.
Instagram doesn't have to be a lonely place. Consider these 5 approaches as Instagram pay it forward moments for your SOULpreneur sisters.
The 3 Emotions to Consider to Make Meaningful Connections on Social Media
There’s a lot to consider when deciding how you’re going to share your soul work (business, passion project, or message) on social media. But perhaps the most important factor to consider before you choose a social media space is whether or not it gives you a sense of SAFETY, EASE, and ENERGY, or what I call, your SEE Factor.
How the hell do I surrender and what does receiving look like anyway? Here’s an example.
If you find yourself butting your head against the wall wondering what the hell people mean when they say things like, “Surrender and make space to receive what wants to come through,” the story I share here post should relieve some tension. It’s an example of what it can look like to stay open to receiving.
Social Media Safety: Ladies, it’s all about boundaries!
The tips I share aren’t your typical safety suggestions. They’re for women who want to protect their privacy AND energy when sharing their soul work on Facebook and Instagram.
How to use your emotions to shift your energy
Understanding your emotions can help you understand your energy. And understanding your energy gives you the awareness you need to make decisions to shift it.
5 ways to bring 10% more ease into your life
In a culture that glorifies hustling, ease is underrated. This post explores 5 ways to bring at least 10% more ease into your life.
8 Self-Care Tips to Make Work Feel More Like Magic
You know something’s not right. You have a good job, and you know you SHOULD be happy. You actually LOVE parts of the work you do, but lately it’s a source of stress, overwhelm, or maybe even boredom.
You’re also starting to hear the inner critic more often, creeping in with comments like…
You’re so full of yourself!
I’d like to offer up the idea that it’s okay to be full of yourself. What if it isn’t about superiority? What if it’s simply about honoring your gifts in way that you aren’t wasting your energy worrying about what others think? Imagine the ease you’d feel if you could just fully be yourself.