The 3 Emotions to Consider to Make Meaningful Connections on Social Media
There’s a lot to consider when deciding how you’re going to share your soul work (business, passion project, or message) on social media. But perhaps the most important factor to consider before you choose a social media space (ie: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube… stories, newsfeed, groups...) is whether or not it gives you a sense of SAFETY, EASE, and ENERGY, or what I call, your SEE Factor.
Once you start understanding these emotions, you’ll be able to let go of the idea that you SHOULD post in certain places. Instead, you’ll choose the spaces that are the best fit for you.
And the bonus is that once you do this, you’re going to connect more meaningfully with the people who need what you have to offer.
This concept is the first thing I teach my Soul to Social students because it lays the foundation for their social media experience. When they understand SEE Factor, they can feel energized instead of overwhelmed or depleted when posting online.
And because I think it’s incredibly valuable to understand your SEE Factor, I’m sharing it with you today.
Your aim is for you to feel ENERGIZED by your social media experience, and for you to use social media in a way that’s IN FLOW with your life. When you’re in flow and feel energized, you’re going to connect and communicate much more authentically.
And since one of the main reasons you want to use social media is to connect with people who need your soul work, when you consider your SEE Factor, you’ll increase the potential of this happening.
The 3 SEE Factor Emotions
Before understanding what your personal SEE factor is, it’s helpful to take a look at each SEE emotion to understand how they affect our approach to social spaces in general.
When we feel safe, we’re more willing to open up and take risks. Imagine you’re at a party full of strangers and then imagine you're at a party where the majority of people are friends or close acquaintances. Depending on your perspective, you might feel safer opening up to strangers than with people who know you well. Wherever you feel safest, is where you'll share more freely. The same rule applies to social media.
So if your personal Facebook page doesn’t feel safe because you’re worried about being judged by family and friends, don’t post there. But if you feel safer among these familiar people, then share away. Find a space that meets your safety standards.
When you’re at ease, you don’t feel stressed, confused or overwhelmed about your surroundings. Imagine yourself sitting on a cosy couch with a warm cup of coffee (or tea), a good book, and an hour of freedom ahead of you. You’re not stressing over anything. This is how you want your social media experience to feel — or at least as close to this as possible. So if when you think of posting an Instagram Story (or anywhere else), you start to feel tense, don’t post there… yet. You have plenty of time. Allow that sense of ease to come to you, and then post.
Have you ever entered a room of people and felt your energy drop? Then, you started to talk to a certain person, and felt drained afterwards? Or maybe you didn’t talk to anyone, but the longer you stayed, the lower (and maybe more tired) you started to feel?
Then, there are those special places and people that just seem to fill your cup. You leave ready to take on the world. You feel motivated and excited to do something… ANYTHING! Well, you guessed it, this is how you’re aiming to feel when posting on social media.
Discovering Your SEE Factor
You won’t understand what your SEE Factor feels like by using your head. To understand what brings you safety, ease, and energy, it’s important to ask your body and your soul’s voice (intuition). It’s through your body’s messages that you’ll find the true answers to the experience you’re seeking.
That’s why I’ve designed some activities to go with this explanation, which you can download here for free!
Once you find your space, I’d love to hear from you. Find me online by clicking the icon below that matches your SEE Factor (if that’s one of the ones you chose) and use the hashtag #SEEFACTOR when you post. By using the hashtag, you’ll connect with everyone who’s posting from their heart rather than from a SHOULD.
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