(with seal removal)
Imagine if you…
trusted yourself
had a powerful relationship with your intuition
made decisions with greater confidence
lived your unique life path and purpose
felt comfortable in your skin
didn’t worry about what people think
expressed your soul’s truth!
These are some of the results my clients (and me) have experienced after having gone through the Lightworker Activation process where they had their spiritual strands of DNA activated.
The DNA Activation process with seal removal is an energy healing modality that unlocks the spiritual power already inside you. It allows energy to flow freely so you can live to your fullest potential.
This is done by removing energetic blocks and activating your spiritual strands of DNA, which are known as seals, locks or energetic barriers.
We’re more than our bodies. We are souls and our spiritual DNA is connected to our soul. This DNA is our energetic life force. But the thing is, a lot of this DNA isn’t active.
DNA Activation restores and reactivates this life force by clearing stagnant, dense energy that accumulates over previous lifetimes. It also supports you in learning past life lessons, raising your baseline vibration, and shifting your consciousness in this lifetime.
This transformational work is done remotely, so you don’t even need to be on a call with me while I’m working with your energy. I do all the work while you go about your day or even while you’re sleeping.
The main idea is that during your Lightworker Activation sessions, energetic seals are removed so your energy can flow freely as it’s meant to. This is when your spiritual strands of DNA are repaired, restored, and activated.
Receive the benefit of the
DNA Activation with seal removal
energy healing modality by scheduling your
Lightworker Activation now!
Kristina Eisenhower - Author & Creative Empowerment Coach
Before the activation, I knew where I wanted to go, but didn't believe I could get there on my own. Self-doubt, holding back, and old storylines were clouding my mind, hardening my heart and bruising my spirit. Then after the activation, I felt a shift in energy and self-regulation. I began to feel lighter and brighter, which flipped the switch for me to be able to see and use my own wisdom and power to move myself forward.
It has confirmed and reconfirmed the simple fact that my soul's purpose is to EXPERIENCE every moment for what it is and to always be in the practice of happiness (or joy). With this knowledge and feeling as my foundation, it is supporting me to surrender every day and let my guides and the Universe lead me forward in answering what I am called to do.
After all the work I’d done on myself (therapy, hiring coaches, the bazillion online and offline classes I’ve taken…) and after making some soul-aligned decisions (quitting my 12-year career in the education field to have a baby at 40 and start my coaching biz), I thought I was in a good place in my life. I had successfully launched my first online course and I could honestly say I was happy and satisfied with life. I didn’t really feel like there was anything to “fix”.
And then I had my spiritual strands of DNA activated.
This is the transformation I’ve experienced so far:
I’ve been able to face the shadows I’d been avoiding and I've worked on them with zero of the apprehension I felt before my DNA was activated. I entered the shadow work with a deep knowing that resolving these issues would bring me the peace I’ve always craved.
I’m finally understanding what it means to truly be in my own skin. Instead of trying to fit in and meet society’s standards, I’m loving and expressing my true self.
I can confidently say that 95% of the time I don’t care what people think of me. And not in an angsty “screw what you think” kind of way. I can make decisions and mistakes without wondering how it’ll affect someone’s perception of me. And the remaining 5% of me caring is simply so I don't behave like an asshole.
I understand my intuitive gifts and feel at ease to share them.
These are some things that happened after my activation. The experience might be different for you. Only your soul knows what it needs.
This activation intends to allow energy to flow in a way that supports the uniqueness of your beautiful soul.
The transformation you experience will be exactly what you need.
Common Questions about DNA Activation
I have questions about this service. Can I meet you before I commit?
Sure! You can schedule a 15-minute consultation here.
What are these seals (energetic blocks) that you talk about?
The removal of energetic seals from your spiritual strands of DNA (also known as, un-activated strands of DNA or junk DNA) is what makes this specific modality so powerful. A quick online search will show many types of DNA activation, but not all activations include the removal of seals.
The removal of seals and the restoration of the un-activated strands in order to finally activate them is what differentiates this DNA Activation from others.
Seals are energy disruptors found on un-activated spiritual DNA. Each seal has a different purpose and as a result, each affects us differently.
Zeta Seals - These seals affect our ability to connect to our intuitive gifts and our ability to receive spiritual messages. A sign that you’re affected by this seal would be that you aren’t able to discern between your intuition and your ego. This creates doubt in your inner voice, and as a result, doubt in yourself.
Crown of Thorns - This seal affects our ability to embody our higher self (soul). Similar to the Zeta Seal, the Crown of Thorns affects our connection to the etheric realm. Because we have a hard time connecting to this level of consciousness, we may feel an incongruence between our body and soul which can show up as low self-confidence, which keeps you from your soul’s purpose.
Templar Seal - This seal affects our ability to clearly see the path before us. You might be feeling the effects of this seal if your purpose continuously feels out of reach. You know that there’s more to life, but you never seem to be able to put your finger on it.
Templar Axion Seal - This seal creates fear and judgment in our lives. This shows up as judgment of ourselves and/or others. You may have a serious case of imposter syndrome, or you may always feel unworthy or not accomplished enough as a result of this seal.
Jehovian Seals - These seals keep us in a loop of reincarnation. When removed, we have a choice between ascension and reincarnation here on Earth.
Does everyone have these seals? Where do these seals come from?
These seals were placed on the Earth’s grid (see ley lines), thousands of years ago. The idea was to keep humans from ascending into their pure form as light beings (ie: to keep us in the densest state possible, which keeps us from accessing the full potential of our soul).
Most humans are born with these seals on their un-activated DNA strands. However, it’s possible that some of the seals were previously removed through the energy work you received.
Are you for real with this stuff? 🤣
I know this can sound odd, especially if you have limited experience in metaphysics. A lot of what we hear for the first time can feel this way. I know I had my doubts when I first heard about the origination of these seals. Couple these details with the fact that we’re dealing with something unseen, and it’s easy for doubt to creep in. It requires a suspension of disbelief.
But let me ask you this. Do you believe chakras exist? Do you believe that our subconscious mind partly creates our reality? Have you experienced “coincidences” you can’t explain? These are elements of the unseen world that are, for the most part, part of the mainstream conversation. Perhaps someday so will the idea of seals on spiritual DNA. 😉
And in the end, if the information I share is too out there for you, then perhaps this modality isn’t on your path. 💜
Where did you learn to do this? I’ve heard you mention being initiated into a lineage and the Earth’s heart chakra. What does this mean?
I learned from Laureen Mally and Shakisha Reynolds, previously known as The Woo Collective. Their modality comes from Mary Magdalene’s spiritual lineage.
While I sometimes still work with this lineage, I’m moving into another practice which connects more deeply to the lineage of the Goddess Isis.
It’s important to know that the modality I use is rooted in the Earth’s heart chakra. When your spiritual DNA is activated through this method, your energy is integrated into this global energy, which also includes the energy of everyone else who’s been activated. As a result, your energy supports compassionate healing throughout the planet.
If you’re ready to feel the transformative power of DNA Activation energy healing via my Lightworker Activation healing packages, click the button to learn more or schedule now.
Need more info?
If you have any questions about the Radical Guide DNA Activation™ process, feel free to ask them here.