“11:11, make a wish!”
We make wishes at 11:11 because our soul remembers this is a glimmer of the Universe/God/Source.
This is the Universe winking at you.
If you’re drawn to this number, this is your soul remembering its divine light. This is you remembering who you really are.
Each year on November 11, you have the opportunity to harness the energy of this Divine Wink. This is the opportunity I'm offering today.
If you’re ready to receive this alchemical transformation, please register for the 11.11 Cleansing and Activation that I’ll be facilitating on that day.
This is for lightworkers who are…
want to let go of their fear of being seen as "weird"
need a kick in the a$$ when it comes to following their path and purpose
want to align their higher self with their actions in the 3D world
understand it's time for them to spread their light to alleviate the density and darkness of this world
What to expect:
I’ll work with your higher self and your energy guides to facilitate this experience. We’ll clear any toxic cords that exist related to the energy of this day.
Once these cords are cleared, we’ll activate your energy body and send this energy into the collective.
This will not be a live session. I’ll facilitate this experience by going into a meditative state, which I’ll describe to you in an audio recording.
You’ll receive this recording once I’ve completed the energy work.
NOTE: For this 11.11 healing session, I'll use the same skills as I do in my Toxicity Severing energy healing package. The biggest difference is that for the Toxicity Severing, you get one one-on-one support with me for a week, and you also have a personal say in what cords you'd like to sever.
While anyone who registers for the 11.11 Cleansing and Activation will receive focused energy work, the energy work I facilitate will be based on the energy of the master number (11), as well as the cosmic forces of the day.
This collective cord-cutting is a great way to start understanding the intuitive energy work I do.
When you register you'll receive:
Group Energy work > receive the clearing of toxic/outworn soul contracts or cords from your energy body. And the activation of your energy body as it pertains to the 11:11 portal energy. This will be facilitated by Josette. The audio recording will be uploaded to the healing container platform.
An audio recording of the clearing and activation energy work sessions Josette facilitates for you to keep forever (NOTE: These sessions aren't live or individual. They are recorded and done for the group of people who register for this Guiding Circle)
immediate access inside the Intuition Immersion School website where the content for this activation will be stored. This includes resources to get you started. Content will be added as days pass. I'll always email with updates
10 days of support in the Alchemy Lab Community to help you navigate the energy of this numerological portal (astrological insight, channeled messages, tarot or oracle readings)
Membership in Intuition Immersion School's online Alchemy Lab Community
You'll receive this healing for $22.22 CAD (which is around $16 USD).
If you’re ready, click the button below to register!
Is this the same as the DNA Activations you facilitate in your Intuition Ignition?
No, this is different. In the Intuition Ignition energy healing package, the type of activation I facilitate there is called, Radical Guide DNA Activation™️. The main focus of this modality is removing energetic seals from your spiritual strands of DNA. I won’t be facilitating this during the 11.11 Clearing & Activation.
How is this different from Radical Guide DNA Activation™️?
The term “activation” is a common term in the energy healing world. It refers to sending a kind of charge to your energy body. This is the simplest way to describe it. What happens before the activation has as much importance as the activation itself. In Radical Guide DNA Activation™️ there is the seal removal process as well as the restoration process (among many other steps… you can read more about this here) that happens before the activation. During the 11.11 clearing and activation, I’ll be facilitating a process of clearing toxic energetic cords from your energy bodies (highlighted by the Sun squaring Saturn), and will then work with spirit guides to activate the expansive global energy that is coming through the 11.11 numerological portal.