Here are the 3 steps to your personalized Lightworker Social Media Strategy!

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To show up on social media the way you want to, you need to take these three actions:


You’re probably wondering how you can make that happen. Don’t worry. The 3-step strategy I’m going to share is exactly what you need in order to show up on social media in a way that FEELS RIGHT to you.


So here’s the deal. Bottom line, no matter what you think, you’re a hard worker. And it shows in the excellent results you deliver. You know how important it is to learn and grow, especially when it’s connected to your Lightwork.

But you don’t do this just for personal growth. For as long as you can remember, you've felt the pull from your Soul to help people, to make the world a better place, to create beauty with your every breath… No matter what it is, you truly feel like you were put on earth to do this Lightwork. You feel utterly alive when you do it, and you can’t imagine yourself doing anything else.

But when it comes to talking about what you do (ie: sharing your soul work on social media) some pretty ugly stories run through your head. You’ve been struggling for a while now and it feels like success seems to come so much more easily for other people.

You have incredibly high standards for yourself. And you worry that it’s taking so long for things to come together that you just might not be cut out for it. If people knew how much effort you really need to put into something, they’d know you were the fraud you feel like most of the time and the thought of being found out freaks you out.

When success doesn’t come easily, your imposter syndrome gremlins get triggered. They’re the ones that make it so hard for you to share your work and connect with people on social media. Combine these guys with how confusing social media can feel, and it can all feel like too much.

But the idea of NOT doing this work is even more soul-crushing because, well hey, this is your Soul’s work. 

Lucky for you, you can let these worries go... 

Josette LeBlanc Social Media

because I’m going to show you the exact three-step strategy I use to help my private clients overcome their social media mindset monsters.

By following your tailored social media strategy, you’ll understand how to put your important Lightworker message out there.

When you implement this strategy, you’re taking the steps to make your vision a reality, whatever it may be: finding more soul-aligned clients, filling your life-changing programs, or actually doing the work that lights you up!

Plus, you’ll feel fulfilled every day knowing you’re speaking your truth.



Now for Your Customized

3-Step Lightworker Social Media Strategy


This is where your social media communication confidence gets amplified. Below are 3 important strategies that equate to your unique social media strategy.


Carefully read through each —pause when you need to — letting the tips and concepts sink in.


Hot tip:


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1. To Be Solidly You: GATHER EVIDENCE.


Without you even realizing it, for some time now, you've probably been gathering evidence that you’re a low-key fraud... because things are supposed to come easy, right? And the truth is, our culture totally celebrates overnight success. So you aren’t to blame for your high expectations and standards.

But in order for you to make your Lightwork shine through your inspirational social media posts, you need to shift those old thought patterns. 

And the best way to swap imposter syndrome for confidence is to gather a new kind of evidence because...


Confidence comes from evidence.


So throw on your Sherlock hat and start gathering the sort of evidence that convinces you of your self-worth. Evidence that teaches you that:

1. You can trust your intuition, or what I like to call your Soul’s voice.

2. Practice will not only help you get better, it’ll make you feel better too. This relates to your soul work and social media.


These work hand in hand. The more you start trusting  your intuition, the more you’ll understand that you are already enough.


So how do you learn to trust your intuition?


Create space for silence. Even 5 minutes goes a long way. Go for a walk, carve out ME-time, and make your soul a priority. 

Take time to understand what your Soul’s voice sounds like. It might speak to you in bodily sensations, emotions, quiet whispers, coincidences, all of the above, or none at all. But once you start understanding your soul’s unique voice, you’ll be able to act on it and start building that evidence.


And now, my dear Lightworker, let’s tackle those imposter syndrome gremlins...

Let me tell it to you straight:

Humans are a work-in-progress.


And the sooner you can embrace this truth, the sooner you can get on with what you really want to do: share your Lightwork with the Souls who need it. 

As with anything we learn, there’s an in-between stage from being good at something and being great at it. The same goes for social media. This applies to the content you create and the connections you make. 


When you start your social media adventure, you’re not going to have a thousand followers and the posts you create aren’t going to have maximum engagement. It’ll take time for this to happen. But this doesn’t mean it isn’t worth it. 

As with any social space, it takes time to get to know your community and for your community to get to know you.

And as for creating content that connects? It takes deliberate practice. If you haven’t had much experience writing, no problem!  Actually writing posts will give you that practice. Same goes for images and videos.

Instead of labelling yourself as unqualified, embrace what it means to be a work in progress: 

to learn as you go.

Learn to appreciate “mistakes” and “failures” for what they’ll teach you. Try a version of this reframe with everything you do: 

Old story: I have no idea how to play this social media game! 

New Story: I’m going to learn so much through this experience!

As you practice your approach to social media with these mindset shifts, you’ll slowly improve. And as you improve, you’ll no doubt feel better too. That’s because you’ll be gathering evidence that you can actually do this. This is where confidence starts to grow.  

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2. To Be Solidly You: FIND YOUR EASE.


There’s a lot to consider when deciding how you’re going to share your Lightwork on social media. And with all this strategizing, it’s really easy to get stuck in analysis paralysis.

But perhaps the most important factor to consider before you choose a social media space is how you FEEL there and whether or not it gives you a sense of SAFETY, EASE, and ENERGY, or what I call, your SEE Factor. ​ 

I see social media as any other social space. 

And when you consider the physical spaces you feel more drawn to, you’ll notice that they often give you a sense of safety, energy, and ease (vs. unsafe, depleting, and stressful/overwhelming). Knowing this, you can start examining what virtual spaces also feel this way. 


Here’s why it’s worth considering your SEE Factor:

Your SEE Factor Josette LeBlanc

The main reason you want to use social media is to connect with people who need your Lightwork. When you’re using social media in a way that’s in flow with your life, and feels energizing, you’re going to connect and communicate in a way that’s much more authentic. When you consider your SEE Factor, you’ll increase the potential of this happening. 

So let go of the idea that you should post in certain places. Instead, when deciding where you want to post (ie: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube… stories, newsfeed, groups...) consider what spaces feel most energizing, provide a greater sense of ease, and make you feel the safest. 

For a deeper dive into what this looks like for you, keep an eye on your inbox. I’m going to send you the SEE Factor worksheet that’ll help you find social media spaces that are right for you. Be on the look-out for it!

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3. Take ACTION:



Here are some messaging and content creation tips to help you put that into practice right now. 



In order to create content your soul can get behind, it’ll be helpful to get clear on the 3 to 5 points you want to communicate. These points are connected to your Lightworker message (ie: your mission and what you’re passionate about), and will probably come from your core teaching, core inspiration, and core service. Don’t worry if you have less than 3 or more than 5 points. As long as you have an idea of the message you want to share, you’re golden.



When creating content, my dear, here are a few expressions I want to you to repeat to yourself:


1.This is good enough now. I can change things later. 

I know how much you want to make sure everything you write and say is jussssst right. But when you start to embrace this perspective, you’ll feel soooo much lighter. 

So here’s my suggestion: 

- Set a timer when you’re creating content and don’t go over that time. 

- Click “publish” or “post” even if it doesn’t feel 100% right. There’s always going to be something, so it’s better to just get on with it. 

And if you do notice spelling or grammar errors, here’s the beauty: click “edit” and correct what you caught. 

Or don’t! It’s your choice, and in the grand scheme of things, it’s really not a big deal. 

2. I don’t have to get it right. I just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

It’s better to aim for momentum than perfection

When you’re getting started on social media, post simple posts: topics that feel less threatening but also help people know, like, and trust you and your soul work. 

Then, when you’re more comfortable, aim for topics that feel more vulnerable. With your persistence and the experience you gain, you’ll gather evidence that you can feel more confident. 


But above all…


Ease into these strategies.

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Here’s how I suggest you approach this part of your Lightwork:

I’ve given you a lot of information, but don’t feel like you need to do everything at once. I work with people for weeks and months on this stuff. It takes time to integrate. 

Since you’re a part of my community now, I’m going to help you keep showing up so you can implement the strategies. From now on, I’ll help you make more sense of the big picture, so you can maintain your energy and connect in ways that feed your soul, and the souls who need you.

But if you’re ready to speed up your social media game even more, join my 8-week program, Soul to Social, where you’ll integrate even more soulful strategies and exterminate loads of those imposter syndrome gremlins. Soul to Social is designed to help you make more sense of the big picture, so you can maintain your energy AND connect in ways that feed your Soul, and the Souls who need you.

Because now is the best time there possibly could be to make your Lightwork shine.


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Hey! I’m Josette...

and I know from personal experience how hard it is to do your Lightwork when those imposter syndrome gremlins keep creeping in.

Before becoming a full-time energy worker and visibility coach, I was a language teacher/teacher-educator. And despite all my qualifications and the positive feedback, I spent most of that 12-year career doubting my competence.

After having an anxiety attack in front of my teacher-trainees, I knew things had to change. I discovered that not trusting myself was my biggest obstacle. When I learned how to do this (it’s still an ongoing practice), I knew it was time to leave my teaching career to focus on helping women learn how to trust themselves too because I’m convinced that when women fully step into their soul callings, positive shifts happen in the world.

I’m so freaking grateful I get to share MY soul work with you. We’re connecting here, beautiful soul, because those gremlins are no longer ruling the show. And this is possible because of this unique approach I’ve developed. I’ve combined:

  • My training in social and emotional learning and energy work

  • My 12-year blogging experience and passion for writing

  • My love affair with social media and tech

  • And the hundreds of hours spent helping communities of teachers learn how to reflect on their teaching;

to help you understand how your online presence can be a vehicle for deepening self-trust and confidence.

It’s YOUR TIME to shine. And I’m ready to help you connect with all those beautiful souls just waiting to receive your very important message.

Let’s do this!

Join my Soul to Social program now and let’s get you RESULTS.


Prefer to read your results on your computer, or perhaps on paper so you can read them over and over again? Click HERE to download the pdf version of your results.